If you’ve come across this book, it’s likely because you are looking to create a change in your life. Unfortunately, whether it be with your relationships, finances, health, or job, making lasting change is not easy.
Why is that?
It’s because, despite your best efforts, your positive behavioural changes are likely not aligned with who you think you are and what you believe you deserve. So, no matter how many successful Sunday night food preps you complete, you will most likely fail on your diet; no matter how many times you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I have a millionaire mindset,” if you don’t believe you deserve it, nothing will change.
It’s not because you are weak or undeserving. It’s because there is a critical step that’s missing from most change (goal setting) plans.
You need to start with YOU!
There’s an old saying: “You are what you believe.” Your beliefs control “who” you are and what you can accomplish. Once you uncover what it is that you truly want, you can work out what you need to believe, in order to accomplish what you truly want.
Using this book will guide you forward with clear direction, while simultaneously helping you sidestep the fears and blocks that have been holding you back.
If you are hesitant to pursue your heart’s desires because you feel ‘not good enough’ – or inadequate or unworthy in any context .– Bruce Anderson’s brilliant book, Beyond Good Enough: The Inner Journey from Overwhelm to Owning It, is for you!
For over four decades, Bruce has worked to learn, polish, elevate, and master his craft throughout the years. As a hypnotist, Bruce has a profound understanding of how to help you get to the root of what you want. He also has the expertise to work with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and sensations to get you past what you believe is holding you back. He can help you tap into your unconscious resources (the ones that you have but don’t recognize) by teaching you how to rewire your neurology and find your personal path to transformation.
So, if you’re holding on to toxic thoughts, emotions, or behaviours; if you’re more focused on what’s missing and what you don’t want than on your goals and what you DO want; learn how to let that go and claim the incredible life that you desire (and deserve). It’s time to read Beyond Good Enough: The Inner Journey from Overwhelm to Owning It and take the first step towards choosing and owning your glorious future!
I promise you won’t regret it!
Raymond Aaron
New York Times Bestselling Author