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I’m guessing that you already appreciate that getting your child involved in sport – which teaches them the disciplines of regular practice, setting goals, staying motivated, being competitive and handling both winning and losing. These are the very skills and experiences that are needed for success in life. That’s why you’re already encouraging them and supporting them.
Every sport has its physical side and its mental side. From a coach’s perspective, the reality is that nearly all the coaching time and energy is focused on the physical skills needed for the sport. Youth who don’t have the inner competitive spirit or mental fortitude to build the basic skills by themselves are dealt with by being dropped from the sport. There just isn’t enough time for coaches to spend on the mental game (except at very high levels, like an Olympic team) and the skills required to train youth on their mental game are not skills that many sport-specific coaches have.
There’s a saying in the golf world that “Golf is 90% mental. The other 10% is mental.” This is one of those ideas that is expressed in a way to draw a laugh – but also has a deep underlying truth. In any sport, the difference between a champion and someone who is very good but not a champion is their mental game. Mindset wins 99% of the time.
At Mindset Wins, we think of the mental game in four distinct but closely related areas – Direction (what do you want? how do you want to feel? who do you want to show up as?), Attitude and Mindset (believe, act and think like a champion), Positive Thinking (focusing on what you want rather than on what’s wrong) and Focus (being relaxed, in the Zone and resilient).
The challenge with all of these is that habits, motivation, beliefs and emotions get in the way. Habits, motivation, beliefs and emotions all live in our unconscious minds – and normal training methods by themselves have minimal impact on the unconscious mind. By a huge margin, the most effective way to open the unconscious mind to change is through hypnosis.
It should be no surprise that the “secret ingredient” we use at Mindset Wins is hypnosis. The basic coaching is fairly traditional – the difference is that it is 100% reinforced by hypnosis. Hypnosis is a mental state and a process that opens the unconscious mind to shifts in habits, motivation, beliefs and emotions. Tiger Woods had his own, personal hypnotist to work with him and caddy for him from the age of 12 – and it shows! The primary goal of our training program is to teach sufficient self-hypnosis so the athlete can continue, once they understand what is needed, by being their own Mindset Coach!
Athletes usually see meaningful improvements after only one or two sessions. Most are not mature enough yet to appreciate how important the mental skills of Direction, Mindset, Positive Thinking and Focus will be in everything that tackle in life – but you, as their parent can. You know from firsthand experience how often these skills can make a huge difference in their success in life. You know that today’s world is far more competitive for them now than it was when you were transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. You know that they need these skills.
We invite you look at the Athlete page or the Videos button below to see what we train the athlete on in the Mental Toughness program, and the Coach page to see the range of programs we provide.
When you’re ready to explore further, BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL.
A discovery call is not a simple sales conversation – it’s a time when we talk through your athlete’s needs and whether our Flagship Mental Toughness program is a good fit. For example, we’ve found that below the age of 10, some athletes are able to focus enough to benefit from hypnosis while others are not yet able to stay focused long enough to benefit. We’ve found that the athlete must be fairly competitive – this is what gives them the motivation to do the mental practice that it takes to gain the mental edge – the Attitude of a Champion.